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AL American League NL National League AA American Association NA National Associatiation PL Players League UA Union Association FL Federal League

Baltimore Orioles
(BL2) 1882-1889
Baltimore Orioles
(BL3) 1890-1891
Boston Reds
(BS2) 1891-1891
Brooklyn Gladiators
(BR4) 1890-1890
Brooklyn Dodgers
(BR3) 1884-1889
Cincinnati Kelly's Killers
(CN3) 1891-1891
Cincinnati Reds
(CN2) 1882-1889
Cleveland Spiders
(CL3) 1887-1888
Columbus Colts
(CL6) 1889-1891
Columbus Colts
(CL5) 1883-1884
Indianapolis Blues
(IN2) 1884-1884
Kansas City Cowboys
(KC2) 1888-1889
Louisville Colonels
(LS2) 1882-1891
Milwaukee Brewers
(ML3) 1891-1891
New York Metropolitans
(NY4) 1883-1887
Philadelphia Athletics
(PH4) 1882-1891
Pittsburgh Pirates
(PT1) 1882-1886
Richmond Virginias
(RIC) 1884-1884
Rochester Hop Bitters
(RC2) 1890-1890
St. Louis Cardinals
(SL4) 1882-1891
Syracuse Stars
(SR2) 1890-1890
Toledo Maumees
(TL2) 1890-1890
Toledo Blue Stockings
(TL1) 1884-1884
Washington Nationals
(WS7) 1884-1884
Washington Senators
(WS9) 1891-1891

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