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AL American League NL National League AA American Association NA National Associatiation PL Players League UA Union Association FL Federal League

Anaheim Angels
(ANA) 1997-2004
Baltimore Orioles
(BLA) 1901-1902
Baltimore Orioles
(BAL) 1954-2021
Boston Red Sox
(BOS) 1901-2021
California Angels
(CAL) 1965-1996
Chicago White Sox
(CHA) 1901-2021
Cleveland Indians
(CLE) 1901-2021
Detroit Tigers
(DET) 1901-2021
Kansas City Royals
(KCA) 1969-2021
Kansas City Athletics
(KC1) 1955-1967
Los Angeles Angels
(LAA) 1961-2021
Milwaukee Brewers
(MIL) 1998-2021
Milwaukee Brewers
(MLA) 1901-1901
Minnesota Twins
(MIN) 1961-2021
New York Yankees
(NYA) 1903-2021
Oakland Athletics
(OAK) 1968-2021
Philadelphia Athletics
(PHA) 1901-1954
Seattle Pilots
(SE1) 1969-1969
Seattle Mariners
(SEA) 1977-2021
St.Louis Browns
(SLA) 1902-1953
Tampa Bay Devil Rays
(TBA) 1998-2021
Texas Rangers
(TEX) 1972-2021
Toronto Blue Jays
(TOR) 1977-2021
Washington Senators
(WS2) 1961-1971
Washington Senators
(WS1) 1901-1960

1954  1953  1952  1951  1950  1949  1948  1947  1946  1945  1944  1943  1942  1941  1940  1939  1938  1937  1936  1935  1934  1933  1932  1931  1930  1929  1928  1927  1926  1925  1924  1923  1922  1921  1920  1919  1918  1917  1916  1915  1914  1913  1912  1911  1910  1909  1908  1907  1906  1905  1904  1903  1902  1901 

  No data available. Make sure you've selected a league, team, year and other display options.   

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